
In the previous chapter I told you that I was going to explain how it can be done to increase the value of the employee and the value of the company mutually, but the truth is I am not going to do that at this moment because what I am asking myself today is if it is really useful for some purpose that I am communicating all those things here.

My greatest motivation when I write this diary is to generate a community and help to change old paradigms about the work and how to keep employees happy, in constant development and adding value to the company so that, in turn, the company can revert it to them… But if I analyze the number of persons that read this or the number of comments or the debates it generates I realize that probably I am doing an useless work.

Fortunately, I have the ability to carry out the mission of putting all this into practice and transforming the teams I work with on a daily basis, so I am a little tired of expressing my ideas here and it is very likely that this will be the last chapter of the series.

Sometimes, I find myself thinking that as employees and as companies we really don’t want to generate a revolution that improve us all and we prefer the known bad things. If this is the reason, I will probably focus in to keep working with my teams and to transform them, those who are really interested, leaving this diary behind and let everyone to solve its own situations.

I hope not have been too aggressive because I simply try to be transparent, as always. I wish you to be very happy in all the things you do.

“To know when to stop is as important as to know when to insist”.

Luis Gil– Inspira y Avanza. You can have the life you want. We know how to guide you:

Personal and professional development. Business Mentoring Conferences and transforming workshops.
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