© 2020 – Luis Gil
Te ayudo a que tu proyecto crezca de manera sostenible
Continuing with the ideas expressed in the previous chapter and the concept of XRM that I proposed to you, in which we focused in the needs and points of view of stakeholders, specifically those of the employees, my experience up to the date in different companies, and what I have seen in the industry in general, is that what you are trying to do with great detail is to get an evaluation (which is usually not very accurate) of the employee for the company… that is, how much is that person contributing to the organization and how much value does it have within the company?
This valuation can be used to make an economic compensation to the employee, according with his contributions and, when there is a good Chief Happiness Officer function, also can be used to offer him experiences and possibilities of professional and personal development.
However, this is only one vision of the path and it is also possible (and very enriching) to know how valuable is resulting for the person the experience to work in a particular company… That is where I have been working lately with more emphasis. Why? Because if we don’t know that information we can’t know how to act with the employees, especially with those which are key persons and is possible that in any moment withdraw from the organization due that the organization did not know how to identify the low valuation, the changes or the lack of satisfaction that those people were experiencing.
As both ideas or paths are important, a new concept appears: that is the intrinsic value of the person and of the company, something we have named a “deep value concept”. In this concept it is included not only the value that the person is having for the company, but also the value that the company may be having for the person… It is just from there that an organization is built, centered on its main value: the members of its team.
To illustrate this concept, I can give you an example I lived relatively recently. A member of the team, extremely valuable for the company in which I was collaborating as CHO, was very unhappy about his economic contractual situation… but nobody knew. In fact, everyone thought that he was very well. It was thanks to start a daily feedback system that I could detect it, and I could suggest to the company a compensation plan and to solve a situation where he himself recognized he was about to leave the company because “he was not the kind of person to ask for wage increases…” Thus, we saved a very uncomfortable situation for the person and also a very compromising situation for the company if it had lost such an important value.
“If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients”. Richard Branson.
In the following chapters we will see how to really transform the organization and how to obtain that perception of value so useful and meaningful for all the parties involved.
Luis Gil– Inspira y Avanza. You can have the life you want. We know how to guide you: www.luisgilconsultoria.com
© 2020 – Luis Gil
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