
As I have been mentioning before in previous chapters of this diary, particularly where I spoke to you about the change from the CRM to the XRM, there is a fundamental concept which I defend from the role of Chief Happiness Officer and can be summarized in this title’s phrase: “Forget about the client”.

I know that many of you will be jumping from your seats right now and about to write a comment on this almost sacrilegious statement, because we have spent a lifetime affirming and are accustomed (I include myself in this group) that every company must gravitate around the client.

And well, this really can be a contradiction – or not – the important thing here is to decide in which place you put the members of your company, the people which is part of your team, if you conceive them as the first clients to seduce, whom you must be continuously detecting their emotional state, their connection with the company, their sense of belonging…then we both probably agree that «client first». If you don’t consider that you must dedicate your team members all this attention you are not really developing an appropriate strategy and you are pivoting towards a customer that you cannot see face to face, instead, the customers come and perceive your company through other people (who are the members of your team) and whom you are not treating as good as you could nor giving them the necessary importance. So, What do you think they can transmit?

 Agreed but, How to carry out all these ideas?

You have to forget that concept of CRM where the client is everything what I monitor, and begin to focus in the XRM, where the stakeholders, I mean, all those people related or interested in the evolution of the company, which are a fundamental part of it, and despite of many times we take for granted their participation and we don’t pay them the attention they require. Obviously in this group also are included the company’s shareholders, the suppliers, the customers… but we cannot forget that, perhaps, the people more interested and involved with an organization and its future are the members of the team and right there is where one must pay the most possible attention as part of this group of stakeholders.

In the next chapters we will be seeing how to make this change from the CRM to the XRM

And now that? Do you agree with me, or do you still think that the «mantra» should continue on the client’s side?

“If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business”. Richard Branson.

Luis Gil– Inspira y Avanza. You can have the life you want. We know how to guide you:

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