
As I said in the previous chapter of my diary, it is true that there are many organizations that want to transform their teams and improve, however, they don’t understand that the company has to evolve and transform itself at the same time, so that after a specific action or a longer intervention, the group doesn’t return to the original state. This is also to avoid people leaving the project when they see that the company hasn’t really changed.

Therefore, returning to the email that I have been talking about and that I wrote several years ago, the moment came when I began to imagine, together with a person with whom I was collaborating in other professional fields, Felipe García (CEO of AIBeeHive), how the organization he created would have to be transformed in order to be innovative for both people and technology… and it’s there where I, in order to offer him some ideas, chose to simply take that email with which everything started and send it almost with no modifications, as it was originally many years ago, to see what he thought about the concept that I had about people and culture. Here there are some content from it:

One of the enriching and viable alternatives for the company is having outsourced staff that can work from anywhere, that would expand our possibilities of incorporating talent to the company. Also, growth plans can be drawn up to take advantage of the potential of the group with which we already work, which is also an excellent opportunity for the values we profess to go beyond the written. Each team member will not only know the values, but will share them and feel like an important part of the group, so he will not doubt the value (both personal and professional) he has within the company.

I would lie if I told you that we started all this in just one day, or that, once we started, everything stayed the same it was planned. On the contrary, there were many previous conversations before starting the project and even today we are talking almost daily because we understand that this allows us to grow and evolve. However, what we have clear from the beginning and there is no doubt about it, is that the concept of CRM, which I have already mentioned in a previous article, should be transformed into a concept much more innovative and according to what we intend to offer to people in organizations: we have called this concept XSRM and, in the next chapter, I will show the great differences that this internal conception generates within an organization. I will just tell you one thing… forget about the customer… (to be continued…).

Luis Gil– Inspira y Avanza. You can have the life you want. We know how to guide you:

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